Bi-Consumer interface What is Bi-Consumer interface ? Bi-Consumer interface is one of the functional interfaces that Java 8 provides. It is present in java.util.function package. It is quite similar to consumer interface, just that it accepts two parameters. @FunctionalInterface public interface BiConsumer<T,U> Since it is a functional interface it has only one method definition . That method is called Accept. We all know functional interfaces can have default methods also . So here we have a default method called andThen . What are the methods of the Bi-Consumer interface ? Accept : void accept(T t,U u) The accept method accepts two input parameter and performs a user defined operation on them. AndThen : default BiConsumer<T,U> andThen(BiConsumer<? super T,? super U> after) The andThen method takes in a Bi-Consumer as an input and it runs it after the Bi-Consumer it is called upon. Le...